Tecnau Transport Division s.r.l was founded in Milan in March 2000 as a division of Tecnau UK and supplies the following systems and products on a “turnkey basis”:

  • Supervision system/SCADA
  • Water and Waste Watering solutions
  • Centralised Traffic Control System – remote control, monitoring of rail tracks ()
  • Remote control Electrical Network
  • Public information systems
  • Building Automation
  • Cyber Security


In addition, TECNAU provides assistance and consultancy to the public transport leading companies.
Tecnau’s aim is always to supply its customers with cutting-edge products, whether hardware or software.
In order to achieve this aim, Tecnau can call on:

Technical staff with over ten years’ experience of work in Europe, both in the field of telecom systems and railway signaling

  • Use of HW products of qualified suppliers and easily available on the market
  • Use of last generation SCADA package
  • Years of experience in integration of different products
  • Precise system testing with procedures verified over a long period of time
  • Technical assistance and personalized maintenance from remote or trough intervention on-site by qualified technicians.

Tecnau Transport Division s.r.l operates in the sector of Supervision/SCADA systems and Remote Control.
The company develops software products and provides qualified support with special attention to technical innovation for the engineering of complex rail transport systems, water & wastewater, critical infrastructure, building automation & industrial manufacturing.

The company is certified with quality management system compliant with Norm ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 for the activities of design, installation and support of software and information systems for systems (plants) of management of railways traffic, etc. etc. (EA 33, 28,19)